I want to learn something!
Creativity is learned by doing. That’s why Machteld Faas Xander offers a series of workshops that teaches the basics of human-centered problem solving and then quickly jumps into a real life challenges. It’s in this way that we learn together by doing—not by sitting around talking about it. So let’s get to it!
MFX offers the following full and half-day workshops. These can be experienced as one-off learning experiences or combined and customized to drive
a complete Business Design process.
To sign up for one of our workshops, please contact Alison De Muy, or contact us by way of the attached sign up forms.

The MFX Friday Fix
Machteld Faas Xander is addicted to problem solving, and we’re dying for a fix. So do us a solid, and let us help you solve yours.
What are Friday Fixes?
Machteld Faas Xander is holding 2-hour problem-solving sessions, every Friday morning for the duration of the summer. During this time, we welcome you to challenge our multi-disciplinary team of experts with your toughest business problems—be they marketing, strategy, design, branding, culture, team building, change-readiness or product issues.
We’re ready to crack those small yet complex problems—and we’ll help you work though and solve them right on the spot. For your bigger, hairier challenges—we’ll provide guidance and help you break them down into smaller, digestible bits. So you’ll leave confident and armed with a plan-of-action.
And, we forgot to mention the best part … We’re providing Friday Fix sessions absolutely free! Gratis! Pro bono! No charge! Zilch! Zero! Nada!
All you need to do is tell us:
What is your problem/challenge?
What’s in the way (barriers to problem-solving)?
Where to find us?
Friday Fixes will be held every Friday morning at the MFX office, located at the Tannery,
121 Charles Street West, #230, Kitchener, Ontario, N2G 1H6, machteldfaasxander.com.
To book a Friday Fix …
Please call Alison De Muy at 519-576-6422 x116,
or email her to set up your one-on-one appointment at alison@machteldfaasxander.com.
My Friday Fix session with Brenton and Brock at Machteld Faas Xander helped me to picture, organise and understand where I am in the forest that is my professional world. I rarely get the chance to engage with others on my vision and the steps I am taking to realise it. Their observations were refreshing and insightful because Brenton & Brock had no vested interest in what I had created; their goal is simply to problem solve. They were able to identify opportunities that I had set up but failed to take advantage of. This session provided me an opportunity to step back from my business and have a look at what I created. I was able to start to see through the clutter and realise that I had lost focus and was starting to drift. The clarity that was provided will help me focus on taking specific actions to attain my goals.
– Jack Jackowetz
When I made my appointment with MFX, I had a bunch of scattered ideas for a big project. It felt like there was a ton of work to do any very little time left to complete it all. I wasn’t sure how MFX could help me but I heard great things about them and decided to give it a try. In my 2-hour session with MFX, we tackled all of my big worries, organized every existing idea and even came up with some new ones! With everything mapped out, I am now relaxed and even looking forward to the work for this project. Great experience! This has changed my planning style and is something I will do again for future projects.
– Jackie Klue, Educational Services, Long & McQuade Waterloo
Design Thinking Basics Workshop
1 Day > $850/per person
Design Thinking (DT) is not a tool, a trend or hype. It’s an ideology that frames problem solving, and makes it more effective. And the best thing about it is that it can be applied to absolutely any problem-solving situation. Design Thinking (DT) is a mindset where creative thinking (right brain) and analytical thinking (left brain) meet in the middle.
Our DT process places strong emphasis on creating something new, not regressing back to old ways of solving problems. Let’s be clear; it’s not only for designers. The power of DT is that anyone can learn the basic skills and utilize them to transform their work to generate positive change with less risk.
What? This full-day workshop will educate you on the principals and stages of DT in a hands-on, collaborative and fun environment. Once you know the basics, we’ll put them to experiential use and tackle a business challenge. After the workshop, we encourage you to hang out, ask questions, discuss what you’ve learned and enjoy a glass of wine
with us!
Where? At the offices of Machteld Faas Xander, located at 121 Charles Street West, unit 230, Kitchener, ON
Who should attend? Do you have business problems that seem insurmountable? Are you trying to get your whole team working on the same page? Our DT workshops benefit influencers and business leaders or absolutely anyone who wants to spur positive change and create more collaborative work environments within their organization. Materials, supplies and a delicious lunch will be provided for all attendees. The only thing you need to bring is enthusiasm and an open mind.
Visual Language Workshop
½ Day > $350/per person
Visualization helps us see and experience relationships and move from conceptual to tangible and create fresh insights with the data. For example, stock traders use visual charts/tables for fast interpretation and decision-making.
Businesses can utilize visualization techniques when synthesizing data. By building a visual framework, they can better understand the circumstances of a problem and create a clear solution.
What? Our half-day, Visual Language workshop will teach you techniques for effectively sharing abstract ideas and concepts in a visual manner. We’ll teach you how to describe your offerings visually and conveniently on the back of a napkin. You’ll come to understand that sketching your thoughts out rather than depending on words to explain them can transcend all global language barriers and instantly add weight and clarity to your ideas.
Where? At the offices of Machteld Faas Xander, located at 121 Charles Street West, unit 230, Kitchener, ON
Who should attend? This workshop is ideal for anyone who brainstorms regularly as part of their job, as well as influencers, business leaders and anyone who spurs change within their organization—regardless of your artistic talents.