What We Do // iLane™ (IMS) // Research & Strategy Development
Intelligent Mechatronic Systems (IMS)—iLane™ (IMS)
iLane is a revolutionary technology product that reads smartphone messages to you out loud, while you drive. MFX was hired by Waterloo-based technology company IMS, to craft the positioning strategy, key messaging and collateral for their iLane product launch. We facilitated focus groups with prospective end-users to identify the most compelling point of difference and then leveraged the key feature/benefit to focus the brand platform and visual identity.
iLane is a revolutionary technology product that reads smartphone messages to you out loud, while you drive. MFX was hired by Waterloo-based technology company IMS, to craft the positioning strategy, key messaging and collateral for their iLane product launch. We facilitated focus groups with prospective end-users to identify the most compelling point of difference and then leveraged the key feature/benefit to focus the brand platform and visual identity.