
We want to send out a big thank you to everyone who submitted a pet photograph for the May Storytelling Contest. There were so many great entries that choosing a winning photograph was difficult. The photographs were beautiful, stunning, funny and adorable.

Congratulations to Scott Rowland for having taken our winning photograph! Although the winning photograph was not the most aesthetically beautiful of the entries, at MFX we are suckers for a great story. Everyone who saw the entries laughed at Millie and loved the story behind her photograph.

Scott Rowland and Millie’s Story:

We hadn’t owned a dog in over 12 years, but in December we took the proverbial ‘plunge’ and purchased an 8-week-old Hungarian Viszla.  Early on we set strict rules for our house management of the dog.  Rule #2 (because everyone knows what Rule #1 is when you are housebreaking a dog), is that the dog is not to be allowed upon the furniture.  Millie the Vizsla began testing this rule early and often upon her arrival but our crack team of internal trainers (6 in total) continued to be diligent in instructing Miss Millie where she was allowed and where she was not welcome. After several weeks of said training, my wife called me to the TV room to ask for my expert advice and ultimate ruling of Millie’s latest attempt to ‘find common ground’ with the discipline team. In the photos you find our Vizsla, fast asleep while standing on the floor and still resting on the couch.  After several minutes of discussion, we were unable to decide whether this showed uncommon restraint for a 4-month-old pup or this was the beginning of years of pushing the envelope, normally reserved for teenagers.  We ruled to let her complete her nap. You be the judge.

Because of the overwhelming amount of great entries, we had to share some of the other photographs that we particularly loved.

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