
Whiteboards at the ready; projector positioned to go; Post-It notes begging to be used. But why? And what brought 20 imaginative and brilliant minds together on June 18, 2012 to share, collaborate and contribute?

Yesterday, we had the privilege to host the TEDxWaterloo workshop on Turning Ideas Worth Spreading into Actions Worth Doing. The workshop focused around taking the inspiration that many felt at TEDxWaterloo event held earlier this year at The Centre In The Square and using it to better our community.

One of TEDxWaterloo’s original organizers, Renjie Butalid, ran the half-day workshop to encourage action in our community. We started with a volleyball and three rules. That is all that we are going to say about that. If this intrigues you, check out the next workshop to find out more.

Whiteboards were filled by mid-morning with amazing ideas that were discussed and voted on for going forward.

In the afternoon, everyone divided into four groups and worked on developing one of the four most voted on initiatives: community gardens in schools, a Waterloo Region startup festival, building community with the KwartzLab Makerspace, and sustaining the inspiration.

The groups followed a seven-step process for how to turn inspiration into action. They separated into break out rooms where they used whiteboards and brainstorming to put together concepts and thoughts.

We were especially impressed by the energy and enthusiasm that everyone showed when presenting their project and plans on how to further it.

We are looking forward to following up on the progress of these projects and to more workshops in the future!

Stay tuned.

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